Monday, May 09, 2005

Silver lining

Well, it looks like some good came out of the incident. Here's the latest update, via Ross:

Ms. Olivia Rutledge, Spencer High School Principal, along with Mr. Al Parham, Assistant Principal, and two Spencer counselors, met with Kevin Francois and his guardian Monday morning. Kevin is now back in class at Spencer, following a conference in which behavior expectations were discussed and methods of supporting Kevin were outlined. Kevin will not be penalized for his two-day suspension, and his guardian will meet Tuesday with Kevin’s counselor and teachers regarding his overall academic progress this semester.

See. This is a far more appropriate response to the incident, which takes a "big picture" view of the situation and it appears that the school is (now, at least) showing interest in tackling the root of the problem. I'm glad that maybe now, Kevin will get the attention and the help that he really needs, rather than a knee-jerk reaction to an angry kid lashing out at authority. Imagine that - an actual lesson learned in a school.