Friday, January 27, 2006


Found something wacky and disturbing over on Progressive Ruin. No real surprise there.

The Superhero Kit


You get a special booklet on "how to be a superhero."

You get a special superhero mask.

You get a special supehero award, just for you...for being so super!

You get a special "special person" sticker...okay, now we're getting a little crazy here. You go around with a sticker like that, everyone's gonna know you're a superhero. Which is fine, but hello! You're trying to protect your secret identity! That's why you're wearing the mask! Already, we see flaws in the logic here.

Oh, and don't forget the special festive noiseblower. Um. Unless you're a New Year's Eve-themed superhero, why do you need this? I guess it's for celebrating the destruction of evil...or for alerting every woman in the nearby area that you will be a virgin for life. Happy New Year!

I'm guessing this kit is for the same dudes who would wear a T-Shirt that says:
