Thanks to the supremely awesome Alex at the bestest comic book store ever, I am now the proud owner of:
In other geeky news....
Maybe 9/11 drove Frank Miller nuts, maybe it didn't. But one thing's for sure: Holy Terror, Batman! is the book Frank Miller NEEDED to write. I actually don't think it's a bad thing to have Batman punching out one of America's deadliest foes. It's just following in the proud tradition of comics as power fantasy and wish fulfillment, which Miller himself points out:
Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That’s one of the things they’re there for. These are symbols of our people, of our country. These are our folk heroes. It just seemed to be kind of silly to be chasing around the Riddler when you’ve got al-Qaeda out there.
I totally agree. And at least Miller has Batman hunting down Osama and al-Qaeda. You know, the actual terrorists who attacked us. He could have had Batman going after Saddam if he were going for the straight up, gung-ho, "USA! USA!" take on the War on Terrorism. If Miller tried to tie Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda's terrorist attack on 9/11...well, now that would be crazy.
Meanwhile, this take on it is awesome: