Fanboys might be up in arms because of the over-abundance of fan-fiction going on over at Marvel, with the possibility of an all-new RED HULK debuting next year. But, eh. Why work up the energy over it?
Oooh. Wow.
I'm sure this is in no way a marketing stunt to stoke the fanboy fires, get the internet abuzz, and fuel interest in the usually jade-giant, stirring up "controversy" so they can hype a monumental return to the status quo when they bring back ol' Green Genes to great fanfare just in time for the big blockbuster movie coming out...
...just like they didn't do the same thing with Spider-Man prior to Spider-Man 3.
It's a business. Whatever. Here's where I take great issue with Marvel. Or, more specifically, whomever is writing Marvel's solicitations.HULK #1
Written by JEPH LOEB
Pencils & Cover by ED MCGUINNESS
Variant Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL
Superstars JEPH LOEB and ED MCGUINNESS will change the way you see THE HULK! In this startling origin epic, the breathtaking events that ended World War Hulk rocket into this brand-new Hulk title. When one of The Hulk’s oldest cast members is murdered, everyone turns to the team of IRON MAN, SHE-HULK and LEONARD SAMSON to solve the grizzly case. All the evidence points to the Hulk as the killer—but {CLASSIFIED}! Join us for a brand–new story and a brand-new team who loves the Hulk as much as you do!
See the problem? Let me emphasize the point:
When one of The Hulk’s oldest cast members is murdered, everyone turns to the team of IRON MAN, SHE-HULK and LEONARD SAMSON to solve the grizzly case.
Grizzly? Was one of "the Hulk's oldest cast members" mauled by a bear?! Will this issue feature a long-awaited knock-down, drag-out Hulk vs. Smokey brawl?
If kids still read comic books, something like this would make them stupid. Do you use editors anymore? The word is grisly. A grisly murder.
Just another reason why Marvel should hire me.
Unless, of course, the murderer turns out to be Ursa Major. In which case, I would stand corrected.