Thursday, June 23, 2005

Attention Lauren Bergfeld

Open Letter to Lauren Bergfeld, whom I saw for the first time last night on Beauty and the Geek.

Maybe you'll find this by googling your name or something. I dunno.

I just wanted you to know that you are cute and adorable.

I caught an episode of Beauty and the Geek last night on the WB and, while I think that this show is ultimately humiliating and bad for geeks, I did develop an instant crush on the bubbly, boisterous blonde from the South.

I know. The folks who know me are shocked. SHOCKED. And stunned.

Anyway. Look at her (the chick. in the chair. smartass):

Totally Cute. And. Adorable.

I was totally sad to see her leave the show last night (and with her, any reason for me to watch another episode), but on the plus side: she'll have some more free time on her hands to maybe travel a little. Maybe to New York.

And I hear she likes geeks. I'm just sayin'...